God gave the good mind to human being, which is He doesn’t give mind to other creature. With the mind, human being could understand of something they never knew that before, or more understood of something they knew about their self, substance of universe and also secret in it.
Because of their mind, human being becoming the unique and they always pushed for thinking as long as their lives, in accordance with ability their thinking.   All of the smart human being thinking with their cleverness. And the stupid human being thinking with their stupidity.[1]
However, the results of thinking the human being, although to have use of mind, it doesn’t always right. The results of thinking the human being sometimes made a lot of wrong, although the human being have made every effort looking for the true. The fallacious of thinking possibly happened without intentional. If that happen, the human being got wrong knowledge, although they convinced it true.[2]
In all field of human life they have use of mind. They daily activity also based on their mind. Logic could help the human being for straight thinking, precise, and regular. By thinking that way they can obtain the truth and avoid the perverting.[3]
Thinking clearly is important to everyone every day of their lives. At least, it should be-who wants to think un-clearly or incoherently? That should mean, however, that people would be want to spend time learning how to think clearly and practicing so that they can improve. We don’t really see that occurring, though, do we? It’s curious that something which is so fundamental to everything we do should occupy so little of our time and attention.
 All science cannot independent from logic. Logic also introduce the analysis used in philosophy, moreover, logic especially force and also push the people to think about themselves.[4]

II Chapter

A. Definitions of logic and Philosophy
Before studying far about topic above, it’s better if we studying what is the meaning of logic? And what is the meaning of philosophy? This is very important we must know before we talk about the Importance of logic for philosophy.
In fact we often hear the term of logic in daily live, like words “that’s not logic or that’s logic.” Manifestation logic in daily life is situation of human being is relevant with their mind or which the truth. So what’s the truth of meaning logic it self? Is definition of logic we often hear in daily life has the same meaning definition of logic it self.
 The Greek word 'logos' (reason) is the origin of the term logic--logike (techen, pragmateia, or episteme, understood), as the name of a science or art, first occurs in the writings of the Stoics. Aristotle, the founder of the science, designates it as "analytic", and the Epicureans use the term canonic. From the time of Cicero, however, the word logic is used almost without exception to designate this science. The names dialectic and analytic are also used.[5]  
            Logic is the science and art which so directs the mind in the process of reasoning and subsidiary processes as to enable it to attain clearness, consistency, and validity in those processes. The aim of logic is to secure clearness in the definition and arrangement of our ideas and other mental images, consistency in our judgments, and validity in our processes of inference.[6]
            According to explanation Ir. Husain Heriyanto, M.Hum, which writing in his paper “an introduction to logic” there are several definition of logic one of them: logic is defined as the study of the methods and principles used to distinguish good (correct) reasoning from bad (incorrect) reasoning; the discipline that attempts to distinguish good inferences from bad one. In Ibn Sina exposition, logic is a set of rules (laws) of thought that helps one distinguish the valid from the invalid explanatory phrase and proof. The explanatory phrase serves the movement from a known object of conception (tasawwur) to an unknown one; it is of two types: definition (had and rasm) and description. The proof serves the movement from a known object of assent (tasdiq) to an unknown one; it is of three, types: syllogism (qiyas), induction (istiqra), and analogy (tamthil).[7]
In reference to Sheikh Muhammad Rida Muzaffar, ‘Abdul Hadi describes logic is a science the discussion   the universal principles of the valid reasoning (huwa ‘ilmun yabhath ‘an-il-qawa ‘id al-‘aamah lil-tafkiri as-sahih) in which its subject matter constitutes definition (ta’rif) and argument (istidlal) along with the methods of discussion.[8]
The Port Royal logic defines logic as "the art of using reason well in the acquisition of the knowledge of things, both for one's own instruction and that of others." More briefly "Logic is the art of reasoning." The latter is Arnauld's definition. Definitions of this type are considered too narrow, both because they define logic in terms of art, not leaving room for its claim to be considered a science, and because, by the use of the term reasoning, they restrict the scope of logic to one class of mental processes.[9]
Hegel goes to the other extreme when he defines logic as "the science of the pure idea." By idea he understands all reality, so that for him logic includes the science of subjective reality (logic of mental concepts) and the science of objective reality (logic of being, metaphysics). In like manner the definitions which fail to distinguish between logic and psychology, defining logic as "the science of mental processes", or "the science of the operations of the mind", are too wide. Definitions which characterize logic as "the science of sciences", "the art of arts", are also too wide: they set up too large a claim for logic.[10]
St. Thomas Aquinas in his commentary on Aristotle's logical treatises (" In Post. Anal.", lect. i, Leonine ed., I, 138), he says: "Logic is the science and art which directs the act of the reason, by which a man in the exercise of his reason is enabled to proceed without error, confusion, or unnecessary difficulty." Taking reason in its broadest sense, so as to include all the operations of the mind which are strictly cognitive, namely, the formation of mental images, judgment, and ratiocination, we may expand St. Thomas' definition and define logic as "the science and art which so directs the mind in the process of reasoning and subsidiary processes as to enable it to attain clearness (or order), consistency, and validity in those processes". Logic is essentially directive.
So that, what is the meaning of philosophy? Philosophy has many definitions, with the result that we have trouble to interpret what’s philosophy exactly? Philosophy comes from the Greek for "love of wisdom," giving us two important starting points: love (or passion) and wisdom (knowledge, understanding). Philosophy sometimes seems to be pursued without passion as if it were a technical subject like engineering or mathematics. Although there is a role for dispassionate research, philosophy must derive from some passion for the ultimate goal: a reliable, accurate understanding ourselves and our world. This is also what atheists should seek.
The definition of Hegel, a famous Philosopher, gives the impression that he sees philosophy as a way of that which grasps its own era in thought." Karl Marx summarizes it as an interpretation of the world in order to change it." Francis Bacon describes “philosophy is the true one which reproduces most faithfully the statements of nature, and is written down, as it were, from nature's dictation, so that it is nothing but a copy and a reflection of nature, and adds nothing of its own, but is merely a repetition and echo."
According to explanation Muhammad Mohaddes Ph.D which writing in his paper “an introduction to Islamic Philosophy Philosophy is that kind of knowledge in which the characteristics of the absolute existent are discussed; it is that knowledge in which the qualities of ‘being’ are studied; and, as is commonly said, it is that knowledge in which the states of an existent qua existent are discussed.[11]

B.  Relationship between logic and Philosophy 
Logic and the philosophy are closely related. Philosophy has to do with the study of how our language engages and interacts with our thinking. Logic has an immediate impact on other areas of study. Studying logic and the relationship between logic and ordinary speech can help a person better structure their own arguments and critique the arguments of others. Many popular arguments are filled with errors because so many people are untrained in logic and unaware of how to correctly formulate an argument.[12]
According to explanation Rick Lewis, “Just as philosophy in a sense underlies all other branches of human enquiry, so logic is the most fundamental branch of philosophy. Philosophy is based on reasoning, and logic is the study of what makes a sound argument, and also of the kind of mistakes we can make in reasoning. So study logic and you will become a better philosopher and a clearer thinker generally. 
According to explanation Ir. Husain Heriyanto, M.Hum, which writing in his paper “an introduction to logic” there are several relationship between logic and philosophy one of them: logic is the branch of philosophy that reflects upon the nature of thinking (compare with: metaphysics that reflects on the nature of the reality; epistemology that reflects on the nature of knowledge, ethics that reflects on the nature of conduct or deed). For this reason, some scholars say that logic perhaps the most fundamental branch of philosophy. For Kant, logic is perhaps the rules for the use of the understanding and reasons, which can be cognized a-priori and without experience, since they do not depend on it.[13]
Regarding the state of logic, herewith, logic can be considered both as a branch of philosophy and as a tool of it. On the one side, Ibn Sina calls it “the servant of the sciences” (khadim al-‘ulum) but on the other side he calls it as a science, which is an integral part of the logicians to pave the way for knowledge of nature of things, whose pursuit is the key to human happiness.[14] 
This sign indicates that the logic is one of the most fundamental branches of philosophy. Logic is a tool of philosophy for developing method of knowledge and making the good conclusion. When we want to build a method in philosophy of course we must thinking with the truth. Only with logic our reasoning avoid from fallacies.

III Summary
We could summarize that we could learned of philosophy by systematic, after we learned of logic. Because of that very natural if there are many people which learn logic say, “philosophy without logic like the writer without have a pen.” And also logic without philosophy it’s impossible, because logic is one of fundamental branches of philosophy.


A. K, Baihaqy, Prof. Dr, Ilmu Mantik; Teknik Dasar Berpikir Logika, Bandung:
Darul Ulum Press, 1998, Cet. Ke- 2
Bakry, Hasbullah, H, Drs. S.H, Sistematik Filsafat, Jakarta: Widjaya, 1986, Cet.
Heriyanto, Husain, Ir. M.Hum,  An Introduction to Logic, Jakarta: MA Preliminary Icas-Paramadina University, 2009
Mohaddes, Muhammad, Ph. D, An Introduction to Philosophy, Jakarta: MA Preliminary Icas-Paramadina University, 2009
OFM, Alex Lanur, Logika Selayang Pandang, Yogyakarta: Kanisius, 1998, Cet. Ke-14

[1]  Baihaki A. K, Ilmu Mantik; Teknik Dasar Berpikir Logik, (Bandung: Darul Ulum Press, 1998),  p. 6.
[2]  Ibid., p. 6.
[3] Alex Lanur OFM, Logika Selayang Pandang, (Yogyakarta: Kanisius, 1983),  p. 12.
[4] Ibid., p. 13.
[7] Ir. Husain Heriyanto, M.Hum, an Introduction to Logic,  (Jakarta: MA Preliminary Semester ICAS-Paramadina University, 2009). p, 2.
[8]  Ibid., p. 2.
[11]  Muhammad, Mohaddes ,  An Introduction to Philosophy, (Jakarta: MA Preliminary Icas-Paramadina University, 2009, p. 1.
[12] See,

[13]Ir. Husain Heriyanto., Op. Cit., p. 2.  
[14]  Ibid., p. 2.

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